AMP It Up 3.0 Program
MFOA, through its Consultants and with funding provided by the Ministry of Infrastructure, will deliver the AMP It Up 3.0 program.

The purpose of the program is to enable municipalities to understand the asset management plan (AMP) that they have and to obtain expert advice and guidance on their individual AMPs, specific to their situation. This Project provides continued assistance to municipalities by providing consulting assistance for approximately 100 municipalities, workshops for all municipalities and group activities in the working groups which can include 50 municipalities in Ontario.

Under the Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure regulation (Ontario Regulation 588/17 as amended by Ontario Regulation 193/21 and as may be amended from time to time) under the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015 (the "Regulation"), municipalities are required to develop and maintain an asset management plan that captures all municipal assets (assets that are included on a municipality's consolidated financial statements) by 2025. The AMP It Up 3.0 program will consist of three elements, including: coaching and assistance, workshops and cohort-based working groups. Further details of each program will be provided during the next few months.


View the Full MFOA AMP 3.0 Flyer here

Project 1 - Coaching and Assisting Municipalities
Project 2 - Group Workshops to Assist Municipalities
Project 3 - Cohort Based Working Groups